Thursday, March 15, 2007

Fun, and sun, at last

It's been almost a month since last I wrote. My excuse is that I've been so busy I haven't had the time to write. But I'm making an effort today, not wanting to disappoint my few readers too much.

I'm having such fun at work, and I love it. It's a nice thing to feel, and I hope the feeling will last for the rest of the year (after that I'm pretty sure I would like to do something else anyway) and I see no reason why not.

Should I move in with J.? She said the other day that she felt it would be nice. I don't know if she has thought this through, but the idea is appealing.

Spring has finally arrived, and I'm taking every opportunity to be outside, revelling in it. Today I took a two hour walk, and I felt like I had wings. There isn't much in this world that makes me happier than walking in sunshine. Tomorrow I'm planning an even longer walk, but I think it's high time to stack up on allergy medicine. There's a whole bunch of crap flying around in the air, now that it's warm, and the mucous membranes in my eyes/nose/throat are not amused. And neither am I come to think of it.

My, oh my, how tired I am. This will not do. My pillow is beckoning me, I'm afraid I have to go now. I promise it will be less than a month to my next entry.

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