Friday, May 29, 2009


Yesterday I for the first time felt a kind of sadness of all that I will leave behind when I move to Scotland. It was at the library where I sometimes work and I was talking to one of the more frequent visitors. When he had left I realised that I would miss our talks. And there's going to be a lot of that in the coming months, a lot of last rounds, a lot of goodbyes.

But today, also, I felt a surprising kind of strength. I felt secure in myself. Previously when I've felt secure, it has only been in a certain situation, but lately I've felt secure in general, in my position in life. I feel comfortable with who I am, what I do and where I am. I no longer settle for punching below my weight.

So much to say. But one must also sleep.

(And to those of you who are familiar with the library's frequent visitors, the man I was referring to is not Elvismannen!)

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