Sunday, October 22, 2006

A Cold, A Poem, and Love

I have a cold, my eyes are sensitive to light and my nose is a mess. The nose isn't that big a problem, but the eyes... I would like to spend all my time under a blanket in a dark room. But I can't. It makes me restless, so here I am.

What is there to write about? That North Korea shouldn't have nukes? Well, they shouldn't, but I'm not in the mood to argue now. I want to write about something else, about a poem I got yesterday. It was from a girl, and it was so sweet and loving it hasn't left me for a second since reading it. I was telling her the other day that I write poems, and she wanted to see them. After she had read some, she said that she wanted to write as well. She wrote three and I had no idea what to expect. But they were wonderful. And one of them were for me. Me. Fancy that.

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